C.L.R. James and the Moment of Beyond a Boundary

Running time: 1:12:58

This fascinating filmed keynote speech explores with reference to original letters and archive, the thinking, context and processes C.L.R. James undertook and considered to produce his seminal work Beyond a Boundary. The speaker is Robert A. Hill, Associate Professor of History at UCLA and director of the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers Project. Robert Hill is the literary executor of the estate of the late C.L.R. James.

This programme was filmed by WORLDwrite CLR James project volunteers at The Beyond A Boundary Conference held at The University Of Glasgow in 2013. The conference marked the 50th anniversary of the publication of CLR James’ outstanding classic Beyond A Boundary.

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Rena said:

Here are the problems I etnrucneoed with the original lines of code for the database in settings.asp. This is a copy of my earlier post. I had solved the problem before the reply (although I am not sure I understand the reply either as it did not appear to be a solution). If I comment out the DSN line, the diagnositc write test is successful (I checked the SQL table to verify). However, the login screen for the backoffice site is for the InsithOutBooks.com site only. I cannot login regardless of what I use.If I activate the DSN line, the dianostic write test fails with the following errorHTTP 500.100 Internal Server Error ASP errorInternet Information Servicesrror Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user ‘(null)’. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection./comersus/includes/databaseFunctions.asp, line 18I still cannot login, but the login screen at least appears to be for the SQL database.I have another database for another product that uses a DSN line that is different. I tried that in place of the one in the settings page, but it did not work either.I have created numerous new passwords without success. I ran the script to add the content to the admin table, that did not work. I even manually added data in the admin table without success.The work is being done on my test server so I can access everything and have admin rights to all. []